May ෴ මැයි

May is a month of significant religious and cultural interest in Sri Lanka as Sinhala-Buddhists of the island celebrate the Vesak Festival on the day of the full moon in May.

Vesak is a major national holiday in Sri Lanka, celebrated by vast majority of Sri Lankans to commemorate the birth, enlightenment and demise of Lord Gautama Buddha, the founder of modern Buddhism. The day is marked by its host of religious activities as well as colorful and extravagant public celebrations and festivities.

May marks the end of the peak travel season to visit Sri Lanka as the north-east monsoon wiithdraws and the south-west monsoon continues in full-flow. Although this is not an ideal month to travel to the North, West and South Coasts of the island, you can enjoy all other parts of the country while travelling during this month. Rain and storms can be ocassional in these parts as well, but you can expect plenty of sunshine in-between the short and sharp showers.

The month is famous as the first month of the peak travel season for Sri Lanka's East Coast. You can enjoy plenty of sea-based activities in the region, such as sea swimming, sea bathing, watersports, sailing, diving, snorkelling as well as whale-watching and dolphin-watching.

You can also enjoy plenty of wildlife adventures during this month, with visits to the Wilpattu National Park, Wasgamuwa National Park and Kumana National Park especially recommended.

The month also marks the beginning of the peak season to visit the Minneriya National Park and Kaudulla National Park. The twin wildlife reserves in Sri Lanka's North Central region are famous for its wild elephant congregations.

【Text by Lakpura™. Images by Google, copyright(s) reserved by original authors.】