Kumari Ella Falls

Kumari Ella Falls Kumari Ella Falls Kumari Ella Falls

Kumari Ella is 4m (13 ft) waterfall in Puwakpitiya, Avissawella; just about an hour and a half of travel time from Colombo. This little cascade has a deep plunge pool at its base that is extremely dangerous to swim in. Kumari Ella gains its name from Kumari, the daughter of King Rajasinghe I of Sitawaka (he ruled in the mid to late 1500s), who died by drowning there.

The waterfall of Kumari Ella is quite powerful despite its being of very low in height. The reason for this is because the waterfall is created by four different streams joining near this point; which later meets up with the major river Kelani.

Visiting Kumari Ella

To get to the waterfall one has to travel approximately 2km along Thummodara- Puwakpitiya Road, until reaching Hewahinna Road. On turning off onto this road, that runs alongside a tiny shop, travel a further half kilometer until passing a large rocky mound. The waterfall trail is just 50m past this on the left. You will reach the waterfall after a bit of a steep climb down into a little canyon.

The waterfall is quite pretty and comes out well in photographs. There are rock pools at the crest of the falls that are safe to bathe or swim in; but do not endanger your life in the base pool. Take care as the area has several small but highly poisonous snakes and do not walk around barefoot. Also ensure that you do not litter and keep our environment clean and healthy for the future generations.

Kumari Ella Falls Kumari Ella Falls Kumari Ella Falls

【LK94009823: Kumari Ella Falls. Text by Lakpura™. Images by Google, copyright(s) reserved by original authors.】