Ruhunu Katharagama Devalaya

Watawala Watawala Watawala

The history of the historical Ruhunu Maha Kataragama Devalaya goes back a long way. Although not archeological, traditional and imaginary theories contribute to this. Kataragama, then known as Kacharagama in the Hela where the Supreme Buddha preached, was seated in a cedar forest in a cedar forest, and a sermon was preached to the Buddha while he was reciting the Dhamma. The forerunner of this was arranged by a ruler named Mahasena, a pro-people philanthropist who was a local ruler at the time.

It is said that the ruler of Kataragama was born in the name of God Mahasen after worshipping the Buddha and receiving the fruits of the Sovan path on the same day. According to Hindu mythology, the son of the parents of Shiva and Parvati, the great powerful god Skanda, who was the source of the Holy Spirit, came to Kacharagama during the historical period and found the present-day Sellakataragama in the forest.

Watawala Watawala Watawala