Single Tree Hill

Single Tree Hill Single Tree Hill Single Tree Hill

The word “Single Tree” has been in existence from time immemorial. An excellent view of the sun rise can be seen from the top of this mountain. Situated 6890 ft above meansea level and takes about 90 minutes to reach the top. Single Tree hill is the best vantage point to observe the beauty of Nuwara Eliya and the beauty of Haggala Mountain range. Single Tree Mountain unravels the spectacular views of the entire Nuwara Eliya Town including other mountains such as Piduruthalagala and Haggala mountains. After trekking through tea plantations one reaches the top where there is just 1 single tree. This is the 7th highest mountain in Sri Lanka and is easily accessible. If one gets to the top around 5.30 a.m. – 7.00 a.m. one can see the best cloud formations around Sri Lanka and also the reflection of the mountain through Gregory Lake. On a very clear day one can see Piduruthalagala Mountain(Pedro Mountain), Lovers leap falls, Lake Gregory and urban areas of Nuwara Eliya in the northern valley and the southern valley of Adam’s Peak, Seven Virgin Hills, conical Hill and UdaRadella mountains.

This Buddhist temple is as peaceful as it can get your mind out of the trail for a while. Great place get a rest and walk around. To reach the main hall and other buildings, there were stone stairs from the trail up to the temple buildings. After visiting the temple, return to the main trek and continue walking. As you head this way, The summit with a radio tower is visible almost all the way. Once you reach to the summit you will find a concrete pathway which goes towards the radio towers and then turns to the left hand side. The trail continues through the short thick forest this forest type is restricted to the mountains and this forests consist of trees that aren't found in lower-lying areas. The trees have adapted to the cool climate, heavy downpours and intense sunshine. Going in the morning is perfect for bird watchers the endemic whistling thrush, yellow eared bulbul and many other species inhabit in this small forest patch. Mammals like sambur deer and barking deer also can be seen. Following this trail you'll end up in a tree plantation and can go through it to go down the hill where you can get panoramic views of the town and lake. If you’re feeling a bit more adventurous go bit more down for more angels. The single Tree Hill walk is well worth doing but if you plan on walking in the rainy part of the year check for the weather alerts in advance as it limits the view.

Single Tree Hill Single Tree Hill Single Tree Hill

【LK94009690: Text by Lakpura™. Images by Google, copyright(s) reserved by original authors.】
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