Uva Tea

The world-renowned district of Uva is a very different area from the other tea districts. It is a champagne tea area. Uva experiences a very individual and different quality season. The dry cool wind coming in from the North/East off the ocean. Further. the wind generally arrives at the end of July to the middle of August.

However, with recent variability in weather patterns, 1997 saw the wind arrive in the first week of September. The wind has the effect of making the bush sense a state of drying. Therefore the leaves close-up and the leaf chemicals concentrate on the lowered fluid levels in the cells of the leaves. The unique characteristics of tea recognize and acknowledged all over the world.

Sir Thomas Lipton, started tea growing and manufacturing in this area, It calls Lipton Estate. The mellowness, smooth taste easily recognize from any other area. The Uva region produces a leaf that is more blackened by withering than that of any other district. At Uva area factories produce a wind rang of whole and small-leaf grades as well as CTC tea varieties.

Uva Tea Uva Tea Uva Tea
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