Yahangala ෴ යහන්ගල

Yagangala Yagangala Yagangala

Highlands on the eastern edge of the Knuckles Mountain Range. The Yahangala mountain rises 1,220 m above sea level (4,003 ft).

Location: Yahangala is located in Kaluga, Ududumbara, in the central highlands of Sri Lanka, on the eastern border of the Knuckles Mountain Range

Legend: According to the Sri Lankan folklore, Yahangala is the place where the great King Ravana is sleeping until he wakes up again. The god “Galē Bandāra” is also believed to be protecting this place. This is a place travelers have to come with good intention, because there were enough incidents that the environment or some spiritual powers has been punished travelers who came with bad intension. (elephant attack, wasp, all kinds of venomous snake bites and getting lost). As long you love the flora and fauna and leave only foot prints behind, you are good to go.

Yagangala Yagangala Yagangala
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