Paramignya monophylla

Paramignya monophylla Paramignya monophylla Paramignya monophylla

Paramignya monophylla is a Woody climber. Leaves mostly 5 - 10 cm long, sometimes larger, mostly oblong-ovate or broad lanceolate, at base rounded, at apex obtuse to acute, sometimes emarginated, giabrous or glabrate but the midrib beneath remaining pubescent. Flowers 1 - 3 in axils, in a cyme or fascicleonly a little longer than the petiole. Fruit globose-obovoid pyriform, angular or furrowed, pubescent. Seeds large, compressed, several per fruit.

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Paramignya monophylla is part of the catalog of ayurvedic medicinal plants of Sri Lanka.

Paramignya monophylla Paramignya monophylla Paramignya monophylla

Medicinal Plants of Sri Lanka by Nandana Gunaratne and Jayamali Gunarathna


Medicinal Plants (Indigenous and Exotic) Used in Ceylon by Jayaweera

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